Tangipahoa Parish Council |
Code of Ordinances |
Article I. IN GENERAL |
§ 20-3. Capital improvements; assignment of priorities.
Capital improvements shall be accomplished by assigning priorities to the itemized road inventory, and the assignment of priorities will be accomplished by submission of suggested priorities by the parish engineer to the parish council. Capital improvements will be accomplished in numerical order until funds are or have the reasonable probability of no longer being immediately available.
Assignment of priorities will be based on the following factors:
Road classification (dead-end, collector or through).
Number of domiciles per mile of road improvement.
Vehicles per day (ADT).
Existing road conditions.
An annual capital improvements priority list shall be submitted by the parish engineer to the parish council at the last council meeting in December of each year. This list shall utilize the above priority method for establishing capital improvements scheduled for January 1 through December 31 of the next year. A two-to-five-year capital improvement program shall also be submitted by the parish engineer which lists additional proposed capital improvements which are not recommended for accomplishment during the next year due to funding, logistic and/or scheduling limitations.
(Ord. No. 83-3A, 3-28-83)