§ 3-51. Prohibited outdoor signs.  

Latest version.
  • The following off-premises outdoor advertising shall not be permitted to remain or be erected:


    Signs that do not meet construction standards, out-of-date political signs and advertising of defunct business, and signs or structures which have been erected without a permit having been issued therefore and thus are illegal.


    Signs that are illegal under state laws or regulations.


    Signs that are not clean and in good repair.


    Signs that are not securely fixed on a substantial structure.


    Signs that attempt or appear to attempt to regulate, warn or direct the movement of traffic which interferes with, imitates or resembles any official traffic sign, signal or device.


    Signs that are erected or maintained upon trees or painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features.


    Signs that are not consistent with the standards in this division.


    Signs located on public property, unless placed thereon under lease arrangements or otherwise permitted by legal authority.


    Signs. shall not be placed one above the other in a stacked configuration and no roof top, piggy back stack, side by side and/or multiple panel signs shall be permitted.

(Ord. No. 17-87, § 3F, 3-23-87; Ord. No. 11-37, 7-25-11)