Tangipahoa Parish Council |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 3. ADVERTISING |
Article II. SIGNS |
§ 3-83. Same—Commercial and rural districts.
Signs in commercially zoned, unzoned and rural districts are subject to the following provisions:
General requirements. Signs in commercially zoned, unzoned and rural areas shall be limited to two signs per business with special use provisions as set forth in subsection (2) of this section. If the sign is a wall sign it shall not exceed 20 percent of the wall area or 200 square feet nor extend above the roof line. If the sign is a projecting sign, it shall not exceed one square foot per linear foot or 200 square feet total and shall be no more than five feet above the parapet. If the sign is a freestanding sign, there can be one per street front and it shall not exceed one square foot per linear foot or 200 square feet total, shall be no more than 35 feet high and shall conform to the setback requirements of section 3-81. Any window sign shall not exceed 20 percent of the total window area.
Special provisions.
Group office and commercial developments: Where one or more separate tenants occupy the same parcel of land or where the obvious intent is to function as a single center, one freestanding ground sign shall be permitted per 100 feet of street frontage of each development. Each sign shall not exceed one square foot of display surface area for each linear foot of street frontage or 200 square feet, whichever is greater. In addition, each tenant shall be allowed one wall sign per street frontage that it faces not to exceed 20 percent of the useable wall area of that tenant. Where two or more tenants own adjoining parcels and the intent is not to function as a single center, signs shall be governed by the district in which they are located. Businesses occupying the same parcel or other businesses subject to group development sign provisions, may be excluded from such provisions upon application to the planning commission for a variance showing they do not function as a single center.
In addition to the above, each motion picture theater located on the premises may erect one freestanding sign not to exceed 50 square feet in display surface area per screen.
Other regulations governing freestanding signs shall be provided by section 3-81.
In addition to the above, one rear or service entrance wall sign is allowed not to exceed ten square feet in area.
An additional separate sign may be permitted upon review by the parish council when required by an area product franchise, upon presentation of a contract setting forth the area covered by the franchise and a bona fide, reasonable requirement for separate signs.
Upon review by the parish council, a variance permitting a roof sign in lieu of another type of authorized sign may be granted to a business upon a showing of hardship in that no other type sign is feasible and a roof sign is necessary. The size, height and location of such sign shall be determined by the planning commission in compliance with all other provisions of this section.
(Ord. No. 17-87, § 11, 3-23-87)