§ 7-85. Restraint.
Every dog shall be properly restrained and/or adequately supervised by the owner, trainer or designated keeper both on and off the premises of the owner so as not to become a public nuisance or be defined as stray.
After a complaint or sworn statement by an individual, it is the duty of the animal control officer or his/her designated agents to investigate a potential public nuisance animal and render a decision as to the validity of such complaint. Any such animal found to be a public nuisance as defined by this article may be seized by the animal control department or its designated agents and impounded at the animal control shelter. Any animal so impounded shall not be released until adequate assurance has been made that the conditions causing the animal to be declared a public nuisance have been corrected to the satisfaction of the animal control director. The owner of such animal may be penalized as provided for in section 7-102 of this article. In the event of a nuisance by defecation, the owner or designated keeper must remove all feces and dispose of it in a sanitary method. The owner of designated keeper of an animal deemed a public nuisance shall also be responsible for any destruction/damage to persons, properties or belongings for which the animal was responsible in causing.
Every animal declared dangerous or vicious shall be confined by the owner or designated keeper within a building or secure enclosure. The owner or designated keeper shall prominently post a sign warning of the animal. Every animal declared dangerous or vicious shall be securely muzzled or caged whenever off the premises of its owner or designated keeper. Any animal found at large after written notice has been served declaring it dangerous or vicious shall constitute a public nuisance and shall be promptly impounded.
Should any nuisance, dangerous or vicious or stray animal escape from the animal control officer during pursuit or after having been caught and enter the premises of the owner, designated keeper or any other person and such owner, keeper or other person refuses to deliver the animal to the animal control officer or designated agent, such owner, keeper or other person shall be subject to penalties provided for in section 7-102 of this article.
Nothing in this section shall prevent any citizen from lawfully hunting with a dog, provided that the dog is accompanied by its owner or designated keeper in a manner which is generally acceptable and reasonable given the type of hunting actively being pursued by the accompanying owner or designated keeper.
Owners and designated keepers shall not permit dogs in their care on any school ground when school is in session, or on any public recreation area when an organized activity is being conducted, unless the dog is restrained by a leach or similar device which prevents the dog from biting a person or animal.
Every female dog or cat in heat shall be confined so that the animal cannot come into contact with an unneutered male except for planned breeding.
(Ord. No. 18-15, 5-29-28)