§ 7-92. Optional licensing of dog and cats.
Any person owning, keeping, harboring or having custody of any dog or cat over six months of age within this parish may obtain a license as provided in this section. This provision shall not apply to animals held for resale or temporary boarding by commercial animal establishments.
For this optional licensing of dogs and cats, a written application for license, which shall include the name and address of the applicant, a description of the animal, the appropriate fee, and a rabies certificate issued by a licensing authority, shall be submitted to the animal control department.
Licenses for the owning, keeping, harboring or custody of dogs and cats pursuant to this section shall be for a period of one or two years.
Licenses fees shall not be required for certified seeing eye dogs, hearing ear dogs, governmental or police dogs, or other certified dogs that are trained to assist the physically handicapped.
Upon acceptance of the license application and fee, the licensing authority or its agent shall issue a metallic tag stamped with an identifying number, the issuing authority and the year of issuance. The tags shall be fastened to the animal's collar or harness.
The issuing authority shall maintain a record of the identifying numbers of all tags issued and shall make this record available to the public upon request.
A license shall only be issued after payment of the application fee which shall be determined by the animal control center.
A duplicate license may be obtained upon payment of a replacement fee of $2.00.
No person may use any license for an animal other than the animal for which it was issued.
Should an animal that is currently licensed be impounded, the owner shall be exempt, for the first occurrence of impoundment from daily customary board fees for the first 72 hours of impoundment. However, the owner or keeper of such animal shall pay all relevant fines and penalties pertaining to the reason for such impoundment prior to release of the animal to the owner.
(Ord. No. 18-15, 5-29-28)